Welcome to the Government of Guam. We are proud of the initiatives we are undertaking to make government work better for you.

Governor Of Guam

The website you are about to navigate is evolving based on our vision to bring services closer to you. You can find news about the Department of Parks and Recreation, financial data, information on programs and a list of who works in your government.This is public information you have a right to know about. You don’t have to put in a request or travel to an agency to find this information. We provide it here for your convenience.
The Bureau of Information Technology is improving websites government-wide at our direction. We want you to have access to more services online, so that you don’t have to wait in line or take off from your busy schedule to be served.
This government is about you. You are the boss. We are excited to serve you in every way we can. Thank You.
Sincerely Yours,
Eddie Baza Calvo
Lt. Governor Of Guam
The website you are about to navigate is evolving based on our vision to bring services closer to you. You can find news about the Department of Parks and Recreation, financial data, information on programs and a list of who works in your government.This is public information you have a right to know about. You don’t have to put in a request or travel to an agency to find this information. We provide it here for your convenience.
The Bureau of Information Technology is improving websites government-wide at our direction. We want you to have access to more services online, so that you don’t have to wait in line or take off from your busy schedule to be served.
This government is about you. You are the boss. We are excited to serve you in every way we can. Thank You.
Sincerely Yours,
Ray Tenorio

The website you are about to navigate is evolving based on our vision to bring services closer to you. You can find news about the Department of Parks and Recreation, financial data, information on programs and a list of who works in your government.This is public information you have a right to know about. You don’t have to put in a request or travel to an agency to find this information. We provide it here for your convenience.
The Bureau of Information Technology is improving websites government-wide at our direction. We want you to have access to more services online, so that you don’t have to wait in line or take off from your busy schedule to be served.
This government is about you. You are the boss. We are excited to serve you in every way we can. Thank You.
Sincerely Yours,
Ray Tenorio